Saturday, August 22, 2009

final leg!

Im leaving back for England tonight :( so thought id give the final update now. Starting to regret this already as im writing on an enormous hangover.

Ah wow there is so much to talk about so ill just try and keep it to the highlights...soo i last left you guys when i first visited Akosia the street kids filming organisation which is actually spelt wrong its supposed to be Akosua its the name they give to girls born on a sunday here i its quite sweet they've got all their t-shirts printed with the spelling wrong. Oh well. So after meeting the guys and girls there i went back with Peter and got back to business, setting up more meetings with potential donors etc etc

This weekend H & E had planned special treat for me, as my sis had had a little prang due to some idiots driving too far on the wrong side of the road leading to the car ending up in a ditch they rented a taxi guy for a couple of days to take us down to a place called Ada. Ada is east of Accra along the beach and takes around about an hour and half to drive (if your as nuts as this taxi dude) maybe 2 hours for my mother.

So we pulled up and i had no idea what to expect but as soon as we got into reception i could not believe how amazing it was, literally on the beach on the first day of actual real sun since i had been out there and the water was so calm, i was a happy man. We sat by the pool feeding this Gecko which took down bout half a pizza. Played some crazy french version of bowls and then took a pedalo out on the sea which was very cool. The sunset was pretty incredible so we got some photo's with it i will be putting up as soon as i get home!

That night we had fresh baracuda for dinner which i loved and we went for a walk on the beach as all the stars were out, we then got a reasonably early night, tried seeing what was on the tele and it was pretty much a choice between football and some trippy old school movie so we watched Arsenal hammer someone 6-1 and went to this place

The next day after some serious negotiating skills from Eoghan we got a private boat trip down to the tip of the beach where the sea meets the estuary. He took us round all the islands which almost all have Lebanese houses on them...they own so much in Ghana! Whilst we were on this one island this fishing boat came round shouting at us to buy some fish from them as they had just caught the most incredible Baracuda. It was the length of about 4 or 5 guys standing next to each other, we got loads of photos with it, and we were keen to get some of it and get the hotel to cook it up for us but it would have meant buying the whole fish which would have fed half of Ghana and was about £100.

The boat guy then tried taking us back to the hotel but Eoghan wasn't having any of it as we had paid for longer so he took us to an Island where they made their own Rum. We met the dude that runs it all and he gave us a shot of this rum to share and it was like petrol, we literally all felt pretty tipsy after that. So we bought one and half litres of it :)

I sooo did not want to leave this place but we had too so we got back and all pretty much crashed hard and slept very well.

My last week i helped both Peter and Akosia out. Wed and thurs i spent with Akosia, on wed Eoghan came with and we basically had to keep the kids entertained off the film set whilst they were waiting to come on, tried taking them to see Morrow the drumming dude as it was in the same place but he wasn't in so we drummed with some random guys for a bit and then took them for a drink where they showed us some cool games which we played for a while.

Yesterday i managed to get an interview with Right to Play, a worldwide organisation which helps schools teach their kids about HIV/AIDS and many other things through sports and games. It was really interesting, i may work for them next year for a while if i come out again! As it was my last full night i went out with Peter and some of his thing led to another and i ended up getting pretty pissed again...very random though - actually met a girl that went to Caterham in the middle of a club?!! Mental...

So today as its my final day H & E are taking me everywhere, might even be able to slip in some horse riding on the beach, try get some presents for the lads and mother as it was her birthday last week!

My experience in Ghana has been one ill never ever forget, the country and people are amazing and if anyone is thinking about going to Africa, Ghana is most definately the place to start. So much potential here, can't say a lot about their food or driving skills but the rest is perfect!

Peace out and see you at home!!! x

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